The Concept of the Cartesian Cogito


The Concept of the Cartesian Cogito
he example of one of the best-known signed philo­sophical concepts, that of the Cartesian cogito, Descartes's I: a concept of self. This concept has three components—­doubting, thinking, and being (although this does not mean that every concept must be triple). The complete statement of the concept qua multiplicity is "I think 'therefore' I am" or, more completely, "Myself who doubts, I think, I am, I am a thinking thing." According to Descartes the cogito is the always-renewed event of thought.

The concept condenses at the point I, which passes through all the components and in which I' (doubting), I" (thinking), and I"' (being) coincide. As intensive ordinates the compo­nents are arranged in zones of neighborhood or indiscernibil­ity that produce passages from one to the other and constitute their inseparability. The first zone is between doubting and thinking (myself who doubts, I cannot doubt that I think), and the second is between thinking and being (in order to think it is necessary to be).
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