María Sagrario Kindergarten


María Sagrario Kindergarten
In the Lomas de Poleo neighborhood, Paula Flores Bonilla unveiled a bust sculpted in the likeness of her daughter, María Sagrario González Flores, who disappeared and was found dead 26 years ago in Ciudad Juárez. The bust stands on a cement base in the courtyard of a kindergarten named after María Sagrario, who was 17 when she last left her home on April 16, 1998, never to be seen alive again. The installation of the bust is part of the memory and non-repetition measures recommended by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and agreed upon by the Mexican government. After Sagrario's death, her family became involved in the Lomas de Poleo community, which was underdeveloped and lacked public services in the late 1990s. They advocated for street lighting and the construction of a kindergarten, as none existed in the area. A family member donated the land for the school, and the community collaborated to build a fence around it, initially made of wood and wire. The kindergarten started with a mobile classroom and now features three buildings, a dome, and a playground, providing a dignified education to the local children. At the unveiling event, Paula Flores expressed gratitude to the community, the school's administration, the Center for Integral Development of Women (CEDIMAC) for their support, and the Mexican authorities for adhering to the IACHR recommendations. Image description: Paula Flores is standing at a podium, speaking into a microphone. She has long, dark hair tied back and is wearing glasses and a black and white striped blouse. She is holding papers or a script in her left hand. Next to her is a bronze statue of a woman with long hair, depicted in a semi-formal blouse. The statue is mounted on a white pedestal that has a plaque with inscriptions. There are flowers placed at the base of the pedestal. The statue depicts a woman with long hair, looking straight ahead with a calm expression. The plaque reads: "María Sagrario González Flores 1980-1998, Thoughts: "My most frequent feeling is love. What I like most is singing, talking, having fun, listening to music, and enjoying my family, and defending my ideas." 02.29.2024