United States Enlists other Apaches to find Geronimo (Example)


United States Enlists other Apaches to find Geronimo (Example)
On May 17, 1885, a number of Apache including Nana, Mangus (son of Mangas Coloradas), Chihuahua, Naiche, Geronimo, and their followers fled the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona after a show of force against the reservation's commanding officer Britton Davis. Department of Arizona General George Crook dispatched two columns of troops into Mexico, the first commanded by Captain Emmet Crawford and the second by Captain Wirt Davis. Each was composed of a troop of cavalry (usually about forty men) and about 100 Apache Scouts recruited from among the Apache people.[39] These Apache units proved effective in finding the mountain strongholds of the Apache bands, and killing or capturing them.[40] It was highly unsettling for Geronimo's band to realize their own tribesmen had helped find their hiding places.;They pursued the Apache through the summer and autumn through Mexican Chihuahua and back across the border into the United States. The Apache continually raided settlements, murdering other innocent Native Americans and civilians and stealing horses.[42] Over time this persistent pursuit by both Mexican and American forces discouraged Geronimo and other similar Apache leaders, and caused a steady and irreplaceable attrition of the members of their bands, which taken all together eroded their will to resist and led to their ultimate capitulation.
San Carlos Reservation;Arizona;Mexico
Temporal Coverage
Geronimo's Campaign
Utley, Robert M. (2012). Geronimo. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-03-00198-36-2.