
  • Photograph of a team of schoolboy hurlers in team formation.
    Photograph of a team of schoolboy hurlers in team formation on the pitch, Kilkenny. The team wear black and white hooped shirts and each member holds a hurley. They face the camera. Further back is the goals, in the centre background, with a high wall behind it.
  • Photograph of a team of schoolboy hurlers in team formation.
    Photograph of a team of schoolboy hurlers in team formation on the pitch, Kilkenny. The team wear black and white hooped shirts and each member holds a hurley. They face the camera. Further back is the goals, in the centre background, with a high wall behind it.
  • Photograph of a team of schoolboy hurlers in team formation.
    Photograph of a team of schoolboy hurlers in team formation on the pitch, Kilkenny. The team wear black and white hooped shirts and each member holds a hurley. They face the camera. Further back is the goals, in the centre background, with a high wall behind it.
  • Photograph of a schoolboy hurler with the ball on the head of his hurley.
    Photograph of a schoolboy hurler wearing a vertically striped shirt with the ball on the head of his hurley stick, Kilkenny. The hurler's hands grip the hurley, his right hand at the top of the handle and left half way down. He faces right. Four other players stand further back. Three are defenders who wear black and white horizontally stripped shirts. They protect the goal, in the right foreground. The forth player, in the left/centre foreground, is on the team of the player in possession. Further back is a high wall with bare trees and buildings visible behind it.
  • Photograph of Kilkenny and Offaly hurling teams in New York.
    Photograph of Kilkenny and Offaly hurling teams in V formation watching an official toss a coin at a game in New York. The two teams stand in a line opposite each other with hurleys in front of them. Kilkenny stands on the left and Offaly on the right. The official's head and arm appears in the left background. The players look to him.
  • Photograph of Kilkenny and Offaly hurling teams in New York.
    Photograph of the Kilkenny and Offaly hurling teams in V formation watching an official toss a coin at a game in New York. The two teams stand in a line opposite each other with hurleys in front of them. Kilkenny stands on the left and Offaly on the right. The official stands on the left. The players look to him. The coin can be seen, in the centre background, in the air. In the distance are trees, a chimney and billboard.
  • Photograph of Kilkenny and Offaly hurling teams in New York.
    Photograph of Kilkenny and Offaly hurling teams in V formation on the pitch in New York. The two teams stand in a line opposite each other with hurleys turned to the centre. The players look to the camera.
  • Photograph of the score board of a game between Kilkenny and New York.
    Photograph of the score board of a game between Kilkenny and New York. The hand of the clock points to 20. Kilkenny's score, three goals four points, is shown on the left and New York's, three goals two points, on the right. The two is only partially in shot. Below the score is a billboard with the words 'For real enjoyment' visible. The sky frames the score board. The game is likely hurling.
  • Photograph of the score board of a game between Kilkenny and New York.
    Photograph of the score board of a game between Kilkenny and New York, three goals four points to three goals two points. The hand of the clock points to 20. Kilkenny's score, 3:4, is shown on the left and New York's, 3:2, on the right. The two is only partially in shot. Below the score is a billboard with the words 'For real enjoyment' visible. The sky frames the score board. The game is likely hurling.
  • Photograph of an Offaly hurler and a Kilkenny hurler battling for the ball after a free throw in at a game in New York
    In the foreground a linesman is bent over after having thrown the ball between his legs
  • Photograph of Offaly hurlers defending in New York.
    Photograph of Offaly hurlers defending as a Kilkenny player approaches with the ball at a game in New York. The Offaly players close in on the Kilkenny player. On the left, very close to the camera, with his back to it, an Offaly player stands ready. Approximately eight other players can be seen in the midground jostling each other. Behind them on the right a train runs to the centre of the photo, where it disappears into trees. Further back buildings emerge from the trees.
  • Photograph of a Kilkenny hurler taking a free.
    Photograph of a Kilkenny hurler taking a free at a game in New York. The hurler has both his hands on his hurley, which is in the backswing. He aims at the ball in the air, in the centre midground. Further back Offaly players stand in a line front of the goal. At the right the referee leans over blowing his whistle. Two other players, at least one a Kilkenny player, stand together shields themselves with their hurleys. Tall trees reach into the sky, from behind the goal. Part of a multistorey building is visible in the left background.
  • Photograph of a Kilkenny hurler taking a free.
    Photograph of a Kilkenny hurler taking a free in a game in New York. The hurler has both his hands on his hurley. He looks at the ball in the air in front of him, in the centre midground. Further back Offaly players stand in a line front of the goal. At the right the referee leans over blowing his whistle. A Kilkenny player, stands leaning on his hurley. Tall trees reach into the sky, from behind the goal. Part of a multistorey building is visible in the left background.
  • Photograph of Offaly hurlers defending in New York.
    Photograph of Offaly hurlers defending as a Kilkenny player approaches with the ball on a pitch in New York. The Offaly players close in on the Kilkenny player. On the left, very close to the camera, an Offaly player stands ready. His back is to the camera and he is only slightly in shot. Approximately seven other players can be seen in the midground. In the centre the Kilkenny player with possession runs will the sliotar balanced on his hurley. The other players watch him waiting for their chance. Behind them on the right a train runs to the centre of the photo, where it disappears into trees. Further back buildings emerge from the trees.
  • Photograph of an Offaly player with outstretched hurley on a pitch in New York
    Other players stand in a semi circle further away
  • Photograph of a clash between an Offaly and a Kilkenny hurler.
    Photograph of a clash between an Offaly and a Kilkenny hurler on the pitch in New York. With their hurleys crossed in the air above them, the two players, shoulder to shoulder, jostle each other. They are turned in the direction of the camera. The Kilkenny player, on the left, looks up to the sky. He has a wide stance. The Offaly player's face is obscured by his and the other player's arms. They are framed against the sky. In the foreground other players are visible, run towards them. In the right foreground a raised rail track can be seen.
  • Photograph of a clash between an Offaly and a Kilkenny hurler.
    Photograph of a clash between an Offaly and a Kilkenny hurler on the pitch in New York. The two players, shoulder to shoulder, jostle each other. They are turned in the direction of the camera. The Kilkenny player, on the left, leans against the other man, his hurley almost horizonal over his opponent's head. The Offaly player holds his hurley with both hands, before his face. A Kilkenny player is visible, in the right foreground. Behind him is a raised rail track. The sliotar hungs in the air, in the right/centre background. An advertisement for J T Whalen, fine furniture, is visible in the distance behind it. The sky above is vast and cloudless.
  • Photograph of Offaly and Kilkenny hurlers on a pitch in New York.
    Photograph of Offaly and Kilkenny hurlers standing around on the pitch in New York. On the left closest to the camera, with his back to it, stands a Kilkenny player. On the right, further back, is an Offaly player, number 19, with his back to the camera. Three Kilkenny players stand around him, looking towards the camera. Further left an Offaly player, facing the camera, stands ready to hit the sliotar from the ground. Further back stand two more players, one from each team, and an official. Even further back, behind the goalposts, are empty stands.
  • Photograph of Kilkenny hurlers and an Offaly player at a game in New York.
    Photograph of Kilkenny hurlers approaching an Offaly player with the ball at a game in New York. Two Kilkenny players, one with a number 12 jersey, prepare to tackle the approaching Offaly player with possession. Their backs are to the camera while the player with possession runs toward it. Other players can be seen scattered about the field.
  • Photograph of an Offaly hurler running for the ball, pursued by a Kilkenny player on a pitch in New York
    Hurleys outstretched, other players and the stands are in the background
  • Photograph of Kilkenny and Offaly hurlers playing in New York.
    Photograph of Kilkenny and Offaly hurlers running for the ball on a pitch in New York. The ball is on the ground with two players, one from each team, behind it. Five other players are visible scattered about the field, further back. Even further back are empty stands. All this is in the foreground of the photo with the vast sky above.
  • Photograph of the Kilkenny goal keeper defending the goal
    The hurler is watching for the ball
  • Photograph of the Kilkenny goal keeper jumping to defend the goal.
    Photograph of the Kilkenny goal keeper jumping to defend the goal. The player stretches with his hurley, in both hands, above his head. He wears a horizontally stripped jersey, white shorts, socks and heavy looking boots. His right foot is raised off the ground. His face is blocked from view behind his left arm. Behind him, in the foreground, are the empty stands. A net stretches, at an angle, behind him. The sliotar is visible in the air, in the centre foreground. Behind it the sky is very sparsely clouded.
  • Photograph of the Offaly goal keeper defending the goal in New York.
    Photograph of the Offaly goal keeper defending the goal on a pitch in New York. The player swings his hurley, in both hands, towards the sliotar. The sliotar can be seen, as a slightly blurry circle, in front of the player's left shoulder. He wears a dual coloured jersey, shorts and long socks. Behind are empty stands with a lightly clouded sky above. A net looms above him.
  • Photograph of four Offaly players with their hurleys in New York.
    Photograph of four Offaly players standing on a platform with their hurleys in New York. 'Offaly' is written across the front of their dual coloured jerseys. They lean on their hurleys with both hands and look over the camera. The sky frames them.
  • Photograph of an Offaly player with his hurley in New York.
    Photograph of the upper body of an Offaly player with his hurley on the pitch in New York. 'Offaly' is written across the front of his jersey. He holds his hurley with both hands. His right hand grips the end of it while his left hand holds the middle. The head of the hurley rests above his left shoulder. He looks off to the right. He is framed by the sky. The photo has rough red marker lines on both sides, and the top, of it. The left top corner also has blue marks.
  • Photograph of four Offaly players with their hurleys in New York.
    Photograph of four Offaly players standing on a platform with their hurleys in New York. 'Offaly' is written across the front of their dual coloured jerseys. They lean on their hurleys with both hands and look over the camera. The sky frames them.
  • Photograph of a Kilkenny goal keeper reaching for a ball.
    Photograph of a Kilkenny goal keeper reaching for a ball on a pitch in New York. The player stretches with his hurley, in his right hand, to one side of the goal. He faces right. Behind him are the empty stands. A net stretches above him.
  • Photograph of a Kilkenny hurler hitting the ball.
    Photograph of a Kilkenny hurler hitting the ball on a pitch in New York. Holding the hurley with both hands, the player lunges forward. His left leg remains on the ground as his right is stretched, out of shot, behind him. Other players, as well as a goal posts, are visible in the distance, in the right foreground. Behind them are the empty stands. Above the sky contains a few small clouds.
  • Photograph of the Kilkenny team in formation on the pitch in New York.
    Photograph of the Kilkenny team standing in team formation on the pitch in New York with their hurleys. The players stand, in their vertically striped jerseys, looking to the camera. With two expection, the left corner-back and full back, they hold their hurleys with both hands off the ground. The centre half-back is the only player to wear black shorts, the rest wear white. The players' shadows are cast to the left of them.
  • Photograph of the Kilkenny team in formation on the pitch in New York.
    Photograph of the Kilkenny team in team formation standing on the pitch in New York with their hurleys. The players stand, in their vertically striped jerseys, looking to the camera. They hold their hurleys with both hands off the ground. The centre half-back is the only player to wear black shorts, the rest wear white. The right corner-back is only half in shot, in the left midground. The players' shadows are cast to the left of them. In the background the fenced edge of the pitch is just visible.
  • Photograph of a Kilkenny hurler just after hitting the ball.
    Photograph of a Kilkenny hurler just after hitting the ball on a pitch in New York. Holding the hurley with both hands, the player lunges forward. His left leg remains on the ground as his right is stretched, out of shot, behind him. The ball is visible against the sky in the centre foreground. Other players, as well as a goal posts, are visible in the distance, in the right foreground. Behind them are the empty stands. Above the sky contains a few small clouds.
  • Photograph of an Offaly hurler just after hitting the ball on a pitch in New York
    The ball is skimming the grass away from the player
  • Photograph of the Kilkenny team in formation on the pitch in New York.
    Photograph of the Kilkenny team standing in team formation on the pitch in New York with their hurleys. The players stand, in their vertically striped jerseys, looking to the camera. With one expection, the left half-back, they hold their hurleys with both hands off the ground. The centre half-back is the only player to wear black shorts, the rest wear white. In the right background, another hurler can be seen. They are wearing an Offaly jersey. Their left hand is on their hip and they lean on their hurley with their right hand.
  • Photograph of four Offaly players with their hurleys in New York.
    Photograph of four Offaly players standing on a platform with their hurleys in New York. 'Offaly' is written across the front of their dual coloured jerseys. They lean on their hurleys with both hands and look over the camera. The sky frames them.
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